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Pumps for the energy sector

Michael Smith Engineers Ltd are able to offer a wide range of pumps for various applications in the energy sector. This includes all aspects of energy production from traditional energy generation using oil and gas, to the latest renewable sectors such as wind power and hydrogen generation. We can also supply most pumps as ATEX compliant if required.   

Pumps for Green Hydrogen Production

Michael Smith Engineers Ltd have been involved in green hydrogen generation applications for almost two decades. We have worked with many of the most innovative companies in this sector and worked with them as they developed into industry leaders. For details of pumps for hydrogen production please visit our page dedicated to pumps for green hydrogen production.

Pumps for Oil & Gas

We can offer a wide range of pumps for the oil & gas sector. The number of pump applications in the oil and gas sector is vast, so only a few examples are covered here. However, if you have any application that involves transfer or metering of oils, greases, chemicals, liquid gas or any similar product please let us know details of your application.

If you have a requirement for API Pumps then please visit the specific API Pump section on our website.

pumps for fuel oil transferpumps for jet fuel transferPumps for jet fuel transfer

Typical oil & gas applications:

  • Jet fuel transfer
  • Diesel fuel transfer
  • High temperature lubricant transfer
  • Lubrication oil
  • Flammable liquid transfer
  • Condensate transfer
  • LNG sampling
  • LPG transfer
  • Fuel additive dosing

 Pumps for the Nuclear Power industry

pumps for reactor cooling

Example applications in the nuclear power industry:

  • Reactor cooling
  • Contaminated water transfer
  • De-commisioning applications

Pumps for Wind Turbine applications

  • Gearbox oil transfer
  • Cooling

Pumps for Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS)

Carbon Dioxide (CO²) has long been recognised a major contributor to global warming. CO² capture and storage is becoming an increasingly important process to help target climate change. Due to its very low boiling point, Carbon Dioxide must be compressed and kept pressurised to ensure it remains a liquid for transfer. The low temperatures and high pressures required mean that pumps must be selected with great care. We can offer suitable pumps that have a proven track record at operating at these extremes.

We have also supplied pumps for alternative methods of carbon capture, such as Post Combustion Carbon Capture (PCCC), typically used for power station flue gases.