Micropump Cavity Style Pump Design & Suction Shoe Pump Design
Micropump External Gear Pumps
The majority of Micropump pumps fall into two categories:
- Cavity style - which represents conventional gear pump technology
- Suction shoe style - which represents a considerable modification
The suction shoe Design is a patented design and is exclusive to Micropump products
Gear Pumps - Cavity Style
- The conventional cavity style pump seals the gear tips by placing the gears inside a cavity
- The sides are sealed by placing the cavity plate between the pumpbody and the pump bearing plate
- Two gasket-like seals are used between these three metal components
Cavity Style Pump - Exploded View
Gear pumps - Suction Shoe

- Suction shoe style gear pumps seal the gear tips by using only a portion of the cavity
- The portion is called the Suction Shoe and seals only the minimum number of teeth (2)
- The fluid is positively displaced in the same manner as the cavity style pump to the outlet
Gear pumps - Suction Shoe
- Like the cavity style pump, the sides of the gears are sealed on one side by the pump body
- The other side is sealed only by the lip of the suction shoe
Suction Shoe Style Pump - Exploded View